Voltaire called Canada “a few acres of snow.” It is that sort of dismissive comment that has made us Canadians particularly proud of our musical heritage. Joni Mitchell, Leonard Cohen and Neil Young, all rock icons, hail from Canada. You might be asking yourself, what does Myron Gushlak know about music? and why should I be listening to an investment banker about what is any good? While the association with the formation of EMusic has given me cache in the financial world, it is probably not enough to get a job at Rolling Stone. So it was with no little skepticism that I listened to the Canadian group, “The Arcade Fire”.
Let me tell you, this man knows his music. Though not a particularly new group, (they have been around for almost five years with two best selling cd’s under their belt) they are relatively unknown outside of the Indie music scene. This is unfortunate. Not for them. They’re doing quite well thank you, but for the masses of people who have yet to hear them. Led by Win Butler and his wife Regine Chassagine they are a vibrant tour de force of music. Besides the usual drums, guitar and bass, they incorporate such un-rock-like instruments as the accordion and the harp. Their music fills a room. I was fortunate enough to see them at Radio City Music Hall in New York, so obviously they are not unknown. Their stage act seems to incorporate a small army of versatile musicians. Violins, brass, percussion, fantastic harmonies and stunning lyrics make them a banquet both audibly and visually. I did not necessarily intend this to be a commercial for the band, but once you see them, you’ll understand why I’m so enthusiastic about them. Their 2008 tour is over after 122 shows in 75 cities in 19 countries, so your best bet at seeing them is U-Tube. Check out the one where they’re all playing in an elevator.
And to make it all too sweet for words, they’re Canadian!!!
By Myron Gushlak