Bloomberg News reports that stock for the company Vivus has jumped because it appears that the FDA could approve its new diet pill as early as next year. The pill acts on the centers of the brain that control feelings of hunger. With one third of the United States considered obese, it’s no wonder the stock has jumped. As a business model, it’s kind of like being able to buy stock in water.
I’m reminded of the Steve Martin line, “I’d do anything to be thin – anything, that is, except eating healthy and dieting.” Without the annoying need to eat right and be somewhat less than stationary, I too would sign on to be thin. I hope now that this hurdle of obesity has been crossed, Vivus will start making a pill that will work on the part of women’s brains that would make men appear handsome. In which case, (being newly handsome and thin) minor issues like peace in the Middle East and world economy might be considered. Or not. I probably wouldn’t care that much either way.
By Myron Gushlak